The film story revolves around a taxi driver who has a son and a friend. His sons grandfather is fighting for the custody of the young boy after the death of his mother. The father wins the...
A man witnesses the drastic changes in society as he goes back to the Alexandria of his youth.
Two young brothers who are identical twins get separated from the orphanage. Faris is adopted by a police officer and his wife and later becomes a policeman, while Nabil is adopted by a ...
The film revolves around a football player trying to access the professionalism and the long journey to reach this dream.
Rouh is living in Boulak Al Dakrour, a poor neighborhood , when she bankrupt and broke she try to make a living by singing in a nightclubs , she starting to suffer from the people around her that are attracted by her beauty
Going events is a group of young people wishing to immigrate to America because they thought that the golden opportunities to work, get rich quick, and achieve the dreams that were unable ...