A teenager, son of an army officer moves with his family to Ljubljana in the fall of 1979. In the new surroundings, he'll fall in love, make friends and discover the world of punk rock. The...
The erotic relationship between Zhashler's wife Karolina and unknown young man is not welcomed by the residents of a small village, which makes the situation unbearable. When Zhashler kills...
An old house by the sea is the scene of a number of puzzling crimes and deaths. The whole complex web is, in fact, the invention of Auntie who lives in the house and translates crime stories.
Eva is a widow bored with life, with her job as an architect, with her younger lover, and with her two teenage offspring. She is eventually assigned the job of redesigning the cells of a ...
An insight into multi-layered relations between natives and newcomers in the town of Pula following WWII and departure of Angloamerican forces.