In a future world, young people are increasingly becoming addicted to an illegal (and potentially deadly) battle simulation game called Avalon. When Ash, a star player, hears of rumors that...
When teenage boy Karol Kremer becomes an eyewitness of a brutal murder, he is not aware of how much influence that event will exert on his future.
Polish historical action fantasy based on a novel by Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski. In 9th-century pre-Christian Poland, the rustic natives have lived peacefully for centuries, tending their land...
An investigate crime reporter meets at a hotel for a taped interview with a big time gangster who has turned state's witness and says that he's started a new, legitimate life. What the ...
When the ex-racing driver's teenage daughter is brutally raped, her father seeks justice on his own.
A Polish romantic comedy.