After a series of lies and misunderstandings, Aykut, a straightforward craftsmen, finds himself in the middle of wedding plans with Gulsah, an insurance broker. The problem is that Aykut is...
Three young girls are sent back to their father in a poor village in central Anatolia, one after another, after failing in more affluent foster families.
Amid the intense political violence of Istanbul, Kadir is released on parole two years early on the condition that he become an informant for the police gathering terrorist informations, activities, and searching for bombs on trash cans.
A middle-class Turkish couple is far from willing to admit they used adoption as a last resort to build a family, and will do anything to keep it a secret.
Onur is sacked from his job as manager of a pharmaceutical company and is not worried. But his wife Bahar is. Onur doesn't listen to her and becomes indifferent to her and the world around him. He'd rather be surrounded by more zebras.