Tae-su, a detective fighting organized crime, returns to his hometown for his high school friend Wang-jae's funeral. At the funeral, he meets his old friends Pil-ho, Dong-hwan and Seok-hwan...
Tae Sik, a troubled middle aged man and Sang Hwan, a troubled youth will meet in the ring with their respective mission. To change their life.
A professional baduk player infiltrates his local underground gambling scene to avenge his brother's death.
From people's eyes he seems like a sadistic cop who give no mercy to his enemy. But, deep inside his heart Ji-wook hides his desire to become a woman.
Jang is a homicide detective who likes to use violence with criminals, while Oh is a prosecutor who believes in the importance of evidence. After the murder of his younger half-brother ...
A young boy steals a puppy for his younger sister's 6th birthday.
A young, incredibly talented chef quits the profession after a contest to head a world-class restaurant ends in tragedy. Retiring to a small rural town with his grandfather, he finds a new ...
A man is cursed by seeing everything in slow motion.