In the aftermath of an alien invasion, a feisty teenage girl sets out to protect her farm from human scavengers who will stop at nothing in order to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
High-octane romance set in the recognizable - and sometimes gritty - world of Brighton's homegrown youth, as Boy Racer gangs uneasily coexist with the Indie scene.
Beth Prince has always loved fairytales and now she feels like she's finally on the verge of her own happily ever after; a dream job in a charming independent cinema by the seaside and a ...
When Rebecca and Michael decide to take a weekend getaway and drive into the isolated countryside, they arrive at their cottage unscathed, but Rebecca can't help but feel like someone is watching.
When Rebecca and Michael decide to take a weekend getaway and drive into the isolated countryside, they arrive at their cottage unscathed, but Rebecca can't help but feel like someone is watching.