Yoshimitsu Morita (Lost Paradise and Like Asura) directs the big screen adaptation of Shiho Tanimura's book, Umineko ("Sea Cat"). Set in a northern coastal village, the film revolves around...
Yuichi Mafune is known as a finance broker, but he's actually a conman. One day, two men show up in front of Yuichi. One man is "M" and the other is his underling Yuki Seki. They ask Yuichi...
During the Meiji era, a brutal prison warden terrorizes convicts sentenced to forced labor to build the roads needed to open up the territory in the icy wilderness of Hokkaido.
A school bus driver's child is kidnapped and murdered. He then devotes his life to tracking down and killing the perpetrators using a gun that he happened to find under a vending machine.
Hiroshi, who has never known his father, is a graduate from a prestigious university, and has a high-flying club job in the world of stocks and shares. Happily married to a beautiful wife, ...