The story of John, a small-time crook, who finds an unlikely accomplice in Louis, a newly-orphaned teenage boy. As their open-road adventure progresses and John drags the kid on a string of...
Story of former MLB pitcher Bill 'Spaceman' Lee following his release by the Montreal Expos.
A man wakes in a hospital with no memory, and quickly finds himself on the run in a locked down hospital with the Cartel on his tail. He scrambles to find his true identity in the most vicious way.
A 12-year-old tech prodigy's science experiment goes awry and he forges a telepathic connection with his dog. The duo join forces and use their unique perspectives on life to comically overcome complications of family and school.
Visiting their dad's grave in the countryside, two siblings are attacked by a zombie. Barbara escapes to a farmhouse. A man helps barricade the house as more zombies arrive outside.
A corrupt young man somehow keeps his youthful beauty, but a special painting gradually reveals his inner ugliness to all.
When Ace, a cocky young firefighter, defies his orders and recklessly puts his team in jeopardy, he resigns to the coal mines. Until one day he gets the chance to redeem himself.