Miss Nováková reports to Major Tuma (Karel Höger) from the police about the disappearance of her roommate, the model Zuzana. Shortly afterwards, a film director named Konrád (Otomar Krejca)...
Kvetoliby is a small town where everything follows an unremarkable routine. One day, however, everything changes - a busy highway is being repaired, and all the traffic is diverted via ...
Honza (Michal Pavlata), a young car mechanic, wins second prize in a competition of amateur singers in the Prague Lucerna music hall. He accepts an offer by the director of the Liberec ...
A bus arrives to the village, carrying a group of traveling actors who begin to perform passion plays from the Bible. Editor Alena (Kveta Fialová), lover of one of the actors, Baritone (...