Then they came headlong into enemy territory defying all odds, surmounting all obstacles, harassing the entire Japanese Army and they were only two.
An action-packed, excitement filled, suspense-loaded thriller.
A real American cowboy lightning-fast gunslinger who is he? will Ronnie beat him to the draw.
Jess Lapid riding fighting shooting and loving his way to newer and greater heights of entertainment.
With their fists - with their guts - with their woman.
Faster with his gun and fists - than you think he is.
Jess Lapid is back faster deadlier and more magnificent as Zigomar.
JESS LAPID in a daring and dangerous role that he alone can perform he jumped his way to fame and glory his acts of valor won the gratitude of his fellows.
Two times the star - two times the action - two times the excitement.
The TITANS OF ACTION thunder across the screen in a mighty showdown.
The story of brave operatives working every moment of the night, tracking, fighting, shooting, destroying an empire of crime.
The fasted crimefighter - who tames all the wildest in the west.
Jumping fighting or loving, this jess guy is greatest.
You may get in, but you'll never get of "TIERRA LIBRE".
Together they're unconquerable, against each other, they'll set a violent explosion.
A savage brutal story of TWO MEN, hating each other's guts, PITTED against each other, FIST for FIST, STRENGTH for STRENGTH, in a bruising ENCOUNTER that can NEVER be EQUALLED.