Big Fat Stone is a modern day tale about dreams coming true. It tells the story of Edward Rizzo: a homeless man who, simply by being at the right place at the right time, gets a chance at a...
The story begins when a family man, Mickey Ryan, falls from grace through no fault of his own due to a series of downward spiraling events beyond his control. With his life turned upside ...
Real Gangsters tells the story of the Lo Giacamo family, one of the most successful crime syndicates in New York City. Run by cousins Vincent Lo Giacamo (Nick Mancuso) and Jack Lo Giacamo (...
The scientist Susan Carter is researching the rehabilitation of addicts using an experimental drug in her rehab center. After her death, her idle son Brian Carter is forced by his friend ...
Tired of rough winters, a Quebec family buys a motel in south Florida. But life is not easy down where motels grow faster than grass. Two bigger businessmen are out to get them for invading...
Puck Hogs follows a men's recreational hockey team, The Puck Hogs, through a brutally hilarious weekend tournament. In the tradition of the cult classic This is Spinal Tap, Puck Hogs is a ...
Four Canadian girls skip off university to get to the wedding of one of their number's relatives across the border in Portland. After the event one stays on with a guy she's met, one ...
Mainstar, Luke Novak (A local Hockey Player living the life in Canada) goes on a trip to Africa to visit his dad who recently had a job change to a African Mining Buisness. This two part ...