Follows a day in the life of two men living at either end of the music game. A successful rapper, A-Maze, is dealing with the pitfalls and trappings of his success and facing new challenges...
Young Chris' (Frantz St. Louis) street debts result in the murder of his father by a dangerous thug, who is subsequently jailed. When the thug is released, Chris plans a bank heist to pay ...
The tragedy-to-triumph story of Roosevelt Jackson (Robbie Tate-Brickle), a seventeen-year-old honor student coping with the sudden death of his mother (Tami Roman), his tumultuous ...
After a white couple inexplicably gives birth to a black child, the purest bonds of trust, friendship, and love are put to the ultimate test.
This story follows Drew (played by emerging musical artist, Vyse), an aspiring young rapper as he is faced with the life struggles that led to his residence in a group home while balancing ...