Az oroszlán ugrani készül(1969)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Egy erkölcsös éjszaka(1977)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Mit csinált Felséged 3-tól 5-ig?(1964)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

King Matthias gets tired of the usual domestic tiffs, so he leaves the capital and travels through the country in disguise. His jealous wife also puts on a disguise and follows her husband to find out what he is doing.

És akkor a pasas...(1966)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

An aging film director recaptures his career with the head of the studio, his former apprentice, while trying to get ideas for a future project.

Szabadíts meg a gonosztól(1979)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

Mail author for translation. 1944 tele, a II. vilaghaboru vegnapjai. Amikor a varosban megszuntek az utcak es a hazak, a pincek melye pedig megelevenedett, amikor vagyonok pusztultak el es ...