A series of cryptic phone messages and visions haunt a writer while he struggles to finish a novel. As they increase in intensity, he loses his grip on reality, eventually obsessing over an...
Turkish and Neo Nazi gangs battle over territory and drug trafficking in Berlin, while a serial killer is on the loose. This action thriller brings several cultures together wanting to dispose of evil and stop the violence.
When a mysterious groupie joins legendary cursed band, "The Dark Knights", a series of unexplained murders derails their comeback tour.
Peach Plum Pear is the story of Jesse, a troubled young man from Los Angeles, and his friend Will, who find themselves stranded in small- town Nebraska on their way to Chicago when their ...
When a young Parisian's connecting flight to Singapore is cancelled, she is forced to spend the night in Los Angeles.
An American man, played by Jim Caviezel, is kidnapped after a friend invites him to Cairo to speak out about recent militant uprisings. His wife heads to the city after hearing the news, determined to get him back.