Banned for over a decade for its outspoken criticism of the post-WWII communist regime in Hungary, Péter Bacsó's 'The Witness' has since then achieved unparalleled cult status in its native...
In the small village of Rátót, every male is called Béla. When a woman gives birth to her child, she names him Józsi... Almost 2 decades later, Józsi becomes pregnant...
A farcical retelling of Snow White. Disillusioned Snow White isn't all that pretty or cute, her friends dwarfs aren't all that hospitable, her evil stepmother is an alcoholic and prince charming likes the ladies too much.
High school teacher falls in love with his "best" female student.
An average worker is chosen by a director to star in a new television adventure series, set in medieval Hungary. The series soon becomes very popular.
Mail author for translation. Megint tanu lesz a legendas Pelikan Jozsefbol, a most mar nyugdijas gatorbol, tanuja a most szuleto uj demokracianak, a kibontakozo kapitalista gazdasagnak. ...
A film harom legiosrol szol, akik Afrikaban keresik a kalandokat. Yvonne segelykero levelere Igoriba mennek, a legkegyetlenebbnek ismert legios buntetotaborba, hogy megkeressek a lany ...
Mail for translation. Csutak kis baratjaval megment egy vagohidra szant lovat, s egy elhagyott vasuti kocsiban talalnak menedeket. A tulajdonos azonban kitartoan ...
Mail to author for translation Karasz Nelli apja halala utan hozzamegy Takaro Sanyihoz, a falu legmodosabb gazdajanak fiahoz. Bar nem szereti a ferfit, a hazassagtol tamaszt remel. Az evek ...
Mail for translation. A kisvarosban elo Eszterke imadja ferjet, Zoltant. A ferfinak viszonya van Alizkaval, aki egy napon odakoltozik hozza. Eszterke bosszut akar ...
Mail for translation. Sarkadi tortenete a megalkuvasrol szol, a mindennapok apro kerdeseinek valasztasi csapdairol, amelyek konnyen kelepcebe csaljak az embert, ha nem...
A soccer referee's goal in life is to be the best referee he can be, but he's only assigned to small matches. He thinks that's fine, but his new linesman opens his eyes.
Mail for translation. Fabri Zoltan eletmuvet bemutato sorozatunk utolso filmjeben egy gyilkossag valodi tetteseinek, korulmenyeinek felderitese soran, a 1970-es evek ...
Mail for translation. Karolyi Mihaly felesegenek, Andrassy Katinkanak tortenete elevenedik meg a filmben, aki az orszag egyik legtekintelyesebb arisztokrata ...
Monsters season - a teacher celebrates his 60th birthday at a rural summer house. Existentialism and philosophy is discussed among professors and students. A scary mystery play opens.