A naturally talented basketball player, Noah Cruise is determined to become a doctor using his basketball scholarship to UCLA pre-med, rather than succumb to the lure of former sports agent...
After the death of their mother, three foster sisters - the shrewd business woman, the free spirit, and the caregiver - find themselves fighting for their individual dreams and fighting each other in this tale of love, lust, and tragedy.
Regina (Erica Ash) and Franklin (Redaric Williams) are seemingly the perfect couple, the toast of all their friends and married on Christmas Day six years ago at the famed Chesterton Hotel....
Nicole is the "queen of crisis management" who is assigned the most difficult task: ex-footballer Jordan scandal, trying to hide that she and Jordan were ever dating, efforts to rehabilitate Jordan's image are undermined for his fiancée.
The greatest feeling in the world is when you learn to love! Follow the stories of seven everyday people as they experience laughter, life and matters of the heart. The all-star cast will ...