In this film, Vengos plays a loser who studies in a secret agents academy, dreaming of becoming a great spy like 007. Unfortunately he can't do anything right, so he wrecks havoc during his...
Antonis is married for four years with Eleni, and despite they are rich they live in a ruined house. Antonis who is very focused on how to make more money and nothing else, in the beginning...
A captain finds a poor woman in his ship and takes her to his home, where he lives with his sister. When his ship sinks in the ocean and he disappears, his sister tries to prove that he ...
Rena Varlamos, a brilliant and capacious woman, takes up the election campaign of her fiance, Pericles Arapis, who wants to be a MP. She tries to land him in reality, but he does not. ...
A seamstress, going to deliver a toilet in a large hotel, sees a lot of people gathered. When he realizes that he is responsible for this loss of responsibility, a young foreign footballer ...
A girl from the province who works in a fashion house in Athens, goes to Kos to promote his apparel. The inhabitants believe that he is the daughter of a Greek-American tycoon and he ...