In the small village of Rátót, every male is called Béla. When a woman gives birth to her child, she names him Józsi... Almost 2 decades later, Józsi becomes pregnant...
On Hitler's birthday, the Germans decide to organize a soccer match between prisoners of war and Germans. They assign the task of organizing the team to a well known Olympics football ...
The laundryman only lives for one thing: soccer. His dream is to have his team in the premier league, but for that he needs money and the only way he can do that is by selling some of his players.
The story of 10-year-old boy and his family against the backdrop of the bloody events of 1956, in Budapest. Children do not yet understand what is going on, but they're happy because the ...
Irma Varró is 18 years old and leaves an orphanage. All she knows about her past is that she was a foundling. She knows only a few sure, hard facts about her life. She is pregnant. She has ...
Five newly married couples move in a new two-story house. They have everything except family happiness.
Mail author for translation. A "Krajcáros Igazság" címû lapot meg akarják szüntetni, mert szenzációk hiányában az olvasók nem vásárolják. A szerkesztôség "kisreményû" tagjai összeülnek, ...
A soldier escapes from the horrors of World War I by masquerading as a female nurse at an elegant health-spa which seems strangely untouched by outside events.
Mail author for translation. 1944 tele, a II. vilaghaboru vegnapjai. Amikor a varosban megszuntek az utcak es a hazak, a pincek melye pedig megelevenedett, amikor vagyonok pusztultak el es ...
Mail to author for translation. Hatvanevesek, hazasok, itt elnek es most. Egesz eletukben vartak, hogy sorsuk jobbra forduljon, most is varjak, ezert vad es bolond terveket kovacsolnak. Az ...