Kalpana is a young girl living in a small community. She is thrilled when she receives a marriage proposal from a popular Bollywood movie actor named Mahender Kumar, which she accepts. Soon...
Advocate Gautam Mehra lives in Bombay with his wife, Anju, and a daughter, Rakhsa. One day while returning from court he sees a woman being molested. He stops, phones the police, and then ...
An ambitious journalist buys a girl from a village in rural India to expose the existence of flesh trade and embarrass the political elite.
Former naxalite who has deserted the movement lives in fear of running into old colleagues. In the meanwhile he pushes his wife for material gain into modelling and later seamier projects ...
Damul (Bonded Until Death) highlights the ill effects of Bonded Labour System while narrating the story of a bonded labour who is left with no choice but to steal by his landlord.
Renowned Indian astrologer Jyotibhaskar Pandit Satyanarayan Chaturvedi, wishes a doctor, who is about to perform surgery on a woman, good luck, but also tells him that his patient is going ...
This is a story about having an extra marital affair within the family itself. Vikram (Suresh Oberoi) and his younger brother Yatin (Akbar Khan) lead their import - export business. ...
Indrani, a daughter of a multimillionaire Seth Ratanlal, falls in love with an ordinary but honest Dinesh and vows to marry him. Dishonest and cunning servant Mohanlal gets hurt to know ...
The story revolves around the pain of children that parents have , even adopted ones in India. Shankar played by Danny is a small time crook who is given number one by the gang leader ...
Dalit Jagseer Singh's troubles do not seem to end in this poignant portrayal of life in a small village of Punjab in newly independent India.
Rajanna and Geeta arrive in the city with the hope of building a cozy little home. When they find their dream house, their happiness knows no bounds. Things are fine till, one day, a loud workshop opens up next door.
Velu owns a small sugarcane field and has immense faith in the establishment, in this case, the Electricity Board, to condone a delay in payment of his electricity bill. But when the power is severed he and his wife Sita are devastated.