In Los Angeles, an ex-con takes the underground fighting world by storm in his quest to fulfill a promise to a dead friend.
The story revolves around Ben Mercado, a talented high school senior who has rejected his Filipino heritage. The long-simmering feud between Ben and his immigrant father Roland threatens to...
As four lifelong friends, Will, Bryan, Matt, and Corey, are on the road trip they've been planning their whole lives, Corey's beloved grandfather unexpectedly dies. When going to claim ...
Chinese kid Julian, who was adopted by the black family of Joe and Annabelle Lee and Asian exchange student May-Ling, who is housed with a black family, are trying to adapt to their mostly ...
Follows four brothers and their shenanigans.
Kevin must go to Hawaii to attend the wedding of his big sister. The day before the wedding he goes on a misadventure with his future brother in law and his crazy groomsmen that changes his life.
Kids go to a rave and not all of them make it home the next day.
Nite Tales is a horror anthology introduced by "Flava Flav" that includes two movies, Karma and Storm. "Karma" teaches four young thieves that crime does not pay. In "Storm" college ...
Subject: I Love You is an action-packed romantic drama, based on the destructive 'I Love You' computer virus, which spread around the globe at the turn of the millennium, shutting down ...
A character-driven sci-fi mystery about a dysfunctional family living on a ranch in TX threatened by a cryptid in their woods. Ultimately, they must overcome their interpersonal conflict in...
In an attempt to escape the systemic violence in her life, inexperienced Nora Phoenix enters an MMA tournament with high hopes to save her mother's life and change hers forever. But when ...
A group of college Friends find themselves on a nightmarish road trip to a cursed lake that seeks out to kill them one by one.
Two drug addicts battle the Waikiki underworld as they try to make their modest dreams come true.
A female law student learns there is more to a Criminology class that is provided in the syllabus.
Three brothers develop an elaborate plan to recover stolen cash and go on the run.