The story follows a group of German soldiers, from their Italian R&R in the summer of 1942 to the frozen steppes of Soviet Russia and ending with the battle for Stalingrad.
In the beginning of the 19th century, Johannes Elias Alder is born in a small village in the Austrian mountains. While growing up he is considered strange by the other villagers and ...
Trespassing gang of boys encounter a ghost in the ruins of a castle. When they rescue the ghost who is caught in a trapset, they become allies in a fight to prevent ruins from being turned into mushroom farm by the city authorities.
This is a cinematic adaptation of the autobiography of Anna Wimschneider. It depicts her life's experiences and workaday routines as a woman born on a farm in lower Bavaria, Germany, in the...
Two siblings try to find a rock crystal in order to bring together their parents who are from villages that are at enmity with each other.
Felix Zeiler doesn't return after the end of World War II. His wife - alone with 2 little children - meets Hans and they are slowly getting closer.
Klara Mendel is considered a child prodigy on the violin. Her parents has strongly encouraged her and now expects her to make it to the international professional top sheet.