A socially awkward TV-addicted ambitious small time thug is ordered to take out a retiring professional hitman, a legend among his peers. However, the two grow to like each other and become...
With a shipment of counterfeit banknotes waylaid, and their boss in jail, two small-time hoods, Bruno and Vincent, find themselves forced to dognap two canines who have been trained... to sniff out counterfeit money!
A reporter who's soon to receive the Journalist of the Year Award hits a young hare on his way home. He gets out of the car to see if it's ok, but the hare runs off deeper into the forest, taking him on adventure of self-discovery.
The Barthelemys have been training racing horses, trotters, for generations. After tragedy befalls Pierrot Barthelemy, his family's inheritance seems at stake. Can his daughter and his sole mare, Marquise, save the family from ruin?
When Peter, Margaux's American writer husband, leaves Paris in a funk and heads home, she finds herself the single parent of two near teens. She also gets a new assignment at work: to find,...
A rock-star who stopped singing after the death of his brother finds a female genie in a vase. She tries to help him live again.
Gregor Mendel (1822 - 1884) is the father of the modern genetics. He was a catholic priest who lived in the XIXth century in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The film describes his struggle to ...
In a near future, due to the effects of an uncompromising law on the eco-sustainability of supports, paper has become a rare item, a luxury possession, controlled by the "Big Z": Zimurgh Corporation.
Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Christopher Lambert, Miquel García Borda, Marianna Di Martino,
Alberto Gelpi,
A series of mutilated corpses is upsetting a town in central Italy. Police believe that this is a wolf, but it might not be a wolf as others.
An actor who enjoyed success in his youth finds his career and life in a downward spiral as he gets older.