A man, told that he only has a few months to live, gathers all the money he's saved for the past ten years and takes a plane trip to Hong Kong for one last fling. He strikes up a friendship...
Thrill to the Rampaging Moors of Granada Spain in their lust for power.
Eight woman caught in a maelstrom of love - hate and intrigue over this wanted man.
A glorious excursion in the realms of fantasy - magic - romance - laughter.
The CLASH of 2 screen GIANTS that will set the screen ABLAZE.
SEE scenes you have never seen before in the land of never turns princesses into doves, Amalia and Bernard walk on water. in the dreamland where dust turns to gold, dwell kings, princes, princesses, fairies dwarfs and giants.
Out of the wilderness flying high and mighty comes a great motion picture roaring with adventures, jungle girl, kissable, loveable, but deadlier then a tiger.
Lagalag against his deadliest enemy.
At the crossroads of his romantic adventure, the number one playboy bumped into someone who know how to hit back with a thunderbolt force from whom he finds no escape.
009 is back with more action.