This is the story of Armaan Ali, a driver working for a senior executive in Mumbai. He takes a month's leave to find a husband for his teenage daughter, who lives near Hyderabad. When he is...
Abhimanyu Kaul - a young, independent, Games Developer, living in Japan and the love of his life, Anwita Chauhan - a bubbly, passionate and full of life, summer intern. Their happy and ...
Dr. Shivani Dutt lives a wealthy lifestyle in London, England, along with her widowed mom, and a dog named Kaali. She works at the Thomwell Hospital. One day she notices that some of her ...
While attending his brother's wedding, a Scientist falls for the bride.
A street-smart newly recruited chauffeur partners with his late employer's wife to pocket a hefty insurance claim.
A story-writer attempts to convince a producer to accept four erotic stories from the Panchtantra.
Sunny Malhotra (Vivek Oberoi) is a 28 year old writer who has carved a name for himself as a popular agony uncle, named Gyan Guru, writing for the Times of Hindustan. Sunny also managed to ...
An alcoholic and insomniac photographer is approached by deceased persons' souls in order to try and resolve their concerns.
In a twinkle of an eye, a life-altering disappearance of her 7-year old kid brother sets Jhalki off on a mission to find him at all costs.
Michael Mishra, a kidnapper from Patna, falls for a girl, Varsha Shukla, at a very young age. He got arrested and sent to jail. After releasing from jail, he searched for her but couldn't ...
A young couple face challenges when their respective families don't get along.
Eccentric, badly in debt, Mumbai Municipal employee, Jolly Maker, is infatuated with Monica Gokhale, a member of the Mumbai Heritage Society. He gets his chance to prove his worth when he ...
Jayeshbhai Jordaar is comedy film starring Ranveer Singh.