Feluda and his gang gets invited to North Bengal by a wealthy Zamindar to solve a piece of a puzzle supposedly leading to buried "treasure", but things take a turn for the unexpected with a...
Lalmohan Ganguly's Book Bombaiyer Bombete is made into a Hindi feature film. Thus Feluda, Lalmohanbabu and Topshe goes to Mumbai. Soon a murder takes place in Mumbai. Can Feluda solve the ...
Detective Feluda, with the help of his nephew Topshe and the writer Jatayu, investigates smuggling and illegal trading in ancient sculptures across India.
Feluda, the famous Bengali detective tackles an international buyer, a corrupt arts agent, numerous henchmen and impostors in this story that revolves around a painting of Jesus by the famous Italian painter Tintoretto.
A sudden violent storm takes Kolkata by sutprise. It also Narendra Nath Biswas injured, hit by a falling tree in the Park Street Cemetery. ... or was it the work of some unknown assailant? ...