Inspired by the true story known as the Mekong Massacre--two Chinese commercial vessels are ambushed while traveling down the Mekong River in the waters of the Golden Triangle, one of the largest drug-manufacturing regions in the world. 13 sailors are executed at gunpoint, and 900,000 methamphetamine pills are recovered at the scene. Upon discovery, the Chinese government immediately sends a band...
If money can't buy happiness, can it at least buy control over others? Xiang is hard-working, running a small sesame oil business. Her husband is lazy and drinks; her son is blood simple. ...
Magic Braid filmed the novel by Feng Tszitsaya (1942). The film tells about a rustic merchant soy bad Second owning family style battle scythe, which, due to circumstances became embroiled in a conflict with the underworld Tianjin.
A man released from prison believes that humanity is composed of half good and half evil. He wants to live a good life but the past drags him back to evil.
A fiction about the founder Mingquan Yang, and the early ages of Quanjude Restaurant, the most famous Peking duck restaurant. Yang bought the Dejuquan restaurant and changed the name to ...