Fred Schepisi's film, 'The Devil's Playground' is an intimate portrait of Tom, a thirteen-year-old struggling in spirit and body with the constraints of living in a Catholic seminary. It is...
Tony Petersen, a married electrician and ex-footballer, goes to university to study English. Petersen is odd man out at the uni. He receives extracurricular help from his stuffy professor's...
This is an animated story covering the ancient legend of Beowulf, as narrated in a Monty Pythonesque way by Grendel himself, the "monster" in the legend.
Jeannie Gunn faced being the only civilised woman in an uncivilised land. A story of personal triumph about one woman who reached out in a hard, hostile, prejudiced world and managed to find love.
A beautiful, if ambitious and amoral, youth is tapped to become the lover of a powerful senator. The young man quickly realizes that he can hold this place, with all its perks, only as long...
Ken Elkin is a randy young man who is told that the world is about to end. In a race against time, there's only one goal he wants to accomplish: bedding the love of his life, who just happens to be the local pastor's daughter.
This film traces the career of Dr Edward Trenbow (Corin Redgrave), who becomes a well-respected Sydney psychiatrist. In the 1920s, he takes up residence at Callan Park Asylum. The film ...
A young couple venture into a summer beach house and make passionate love, unaware that they are being observed by a demented doctor who later uses the girl as part of a bizarre experiment.
A stagecoach driver goes to work for a dying, one-armed aristocrat in 1860s Australia.
A doctor treats a sick aborigine, who had defied a tribal taboo and visited a sacred cave. The doctor soon finds herself having disturbing dreams and finds herself involved in a 200-year-old mystery.