The story of a young man, Jason (Allen Payne) who must confront his trauma-induced insecurity about love, as well as a sense of owed responsibility to his mother and troubled brother Joshua...
Genie, a Chinese-American teenager, develops feelings for a charming African-American DJ, but her grandmother forbids their romance forcing Genie to choose between family and love.
A hitman falls in love with the boss's girlfriend, who may just be his next target.
Cedric Tinsel (Allen Payne) is a 27-year-old professional basketball player. He is on a verge of signing a lucrative endorsment contract and proposing to his girlfriend Jill Hamlin (Chelsi Smith).
Appropriately named "Zoo", the film represents how some just happen to live a wild life. Based in Newark, New Jersey, Terrance "Mustaffa" Dent was a straight laced teenager until he ...