Abandoned by his father and raised by a single mother, Nate Merritt joins the Marines to support his soon-to-be fiancée. While on leave in Palm Springs, Nate meets a seemingly free spirited...
Imagine a world of pleasure, where passion is the ultimate obsession. When Michael and Lisa travel to India to restore an erotic sculpture, they are immediately acquainted with the Kama ...
After a rich woman dies, her friends and relatives meet at her mansion to await the reading of her will. Over the evening, many of them hook up and have a passionate night together, including the maid. But someone's watching them.
A woman must give up her stripping and prostitution job to get custody of her daughter.
Struggling publisher's agent, in a bad live-in relationship, recruits a romance novelist whose bestsellers document her affair with the agent, and betrayal. She refuses the deal, just to ...
Branded a killer and hunted by the police, a half Native American newlywed must return to the ways of his fore-fathers to discover the truth behind the disappearance of his bride.
A call girl marries a politician only to have her secret life cause complications.