The characteristic loves of Margarida and Clara, the distinct moral of Peter and Daniel, the goodness of Joao Semana, and the dissidents, sensibility, tenderness, rituals and landscape involvement of the Minho.
Leonel is a pianist, nostalgic of sweet melodies, while his son is the (real-life) leader of Os Gatos Pretos (black cats), a twist musical group. The conflict is eventu ally solved when ...
A scientist discovers the formula of a particular resistant steel, and a spy ring from an enemy power sets after him to obtain it.
Two couples live through attraction, distraction, sympathy, friendship, quarrel, jealousy, fidelity, and the Devil supervises it all by delivering solemn warnings in choice moments.
A man is too busy to care and show his affection to his wife, and she founds solace and happiness in the arms of a younger man. The husbands sets a detective after proofs of her infidelity,...