Many Hungarian migrant workers work in Germany in good conditions and for good wages during WW2. They face the war only once they return home to Hungary.
Mail author for translation. Bene László vízügyi mérnök hivatali gáncsoskodások és kátyúba jutott házassága miatt az intézet alföldi telepére kéri áthelyezését. Itt ismerkedik meg ...
King Matthias gets tired of the usual domestic tiffs, so he leaves the capital and travels through the country in disguise. His jealous wife also puts on a disguise and follows her husband to find out what he is doing.
Mail to author for translation Mikor a zarda fonoknoje meghal, az utodlas kerdeseben ket partra szakad a kolostor. Virginianak lenne a legtobb eselye, akit nemcsak a fiatalok, hanem a ...