Chang Can Dunk(2023)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 51

Zoe Renee, Mardy Ma, Bloom Li, Ben Wang,
Jingyi Shao,

A young Asian-American teen and basketball fanatic who just wants to dunk and get the girl ends up learning much more about himself, his best friends, and his mother.

Veera Simha Reddy(2023)

Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 0

The father of Veera Simha Reddy is a revered man in a village and his son Bala Simha Reddy settles in the USA.When his father gets killed in the village politics, Bala Simha returns to India and takes revenge on who killed his father.


Combined Rating:
Combined Critics Rating: 7

Follows the final four days of the Batra family living in their 31-year-old family home as they move to a new city.